VOIP Solutions

Our VOIP solutions allow you to make voice calls over the internet that have unparalleled clarity. VOIP works by converting the caller’s voice into a digital signal, compressing it, and then sending it across the internet to its destination. Just before the signal reaches the recipient, the digital signal is uncompressed into sounds that can be heard through a phone or headset.

VOIP not only produces sound that is significantly clearer and purer, but it will also lower your phone bill because it is less expensive than phone services offered by a traditional phone company. It Connect’s premium VOIP services give you all of the power, flexibility, and freedom you need for seamless digital communication.

PBX Solutions

Here at IT Connect, we also offer world-class Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems that will revolutionize your communication infrastructure. Through our PBX system, you will be able to easily manage multiple lines and extensions and perform seamless call routing. Our PBX solutions will elevate your company’s communications, empowering your employees to handle both internal and external calls with greatly improved efficiency.

If you already have an existing phone system in place, we can easily integrate our PBX solution into it. Your employees will also be able to create custom greetings. Further, you can connect multiple offices with the same PBX system so that your employees will be able to easily talk to each other.

Custom Solutions for Your Business

Every company has different requirements. That is why IT Connect makes it our top priority to create and implement solutions that are ideal for your specific situation. We understand the importance of optimizing your company’s communication and we make sure that your company’s every communication need is attended to. Regardless of how large or small your business is or what industry it operates in, our VOIP and PBX professionals will create perfect customized solutions for you. We also provide app-free video conferencing if you need this service as well.

Get Started Now

Ready to take your business’s communication to the next level? Contact us today to speak with one of our VOIP and PBX experts to discuss your specific needs. We look forward to speaking with you and to helping you radically improve your voice communication to boost productivity and efficiency!

I.T. Connect Waukesha
1701 Pearl Street, Waukesha, WI 53186

I.T. Connect Milwaukee
250 E. Wisconsin Ave., 18th floor, Milwaukee, WI 53202

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